Gene and his Tri-Pacer
in Missouri.
Gene Seibel
Author - Confessions of a Pilot

Gene Seibel was a southeast Kansas farm boy who left the country for the lights of the big city. After a few years in the fascinating field of television broadcasting, he got back in touch with the great outdoors and wide open sky of New Mexico as a private pilot. Over the next twenty years, his love of flying took him, his family, and his flying machine into countless situations of adventure and intrigue all over this land of ours as well as deep into the country of Mexico. Like Charles Lindbergh before him, he found flying to be the "perfect combination of science, romance and adventure."

Click for the book Having always considered his opportunity to fly a special blessing, Gene has shared it in any way he could. He is responsible for giving dozens of friends, family members and young people their first airplane rides. Now within the pages of Confessions of a Pilot, he recounts his years of memories, experiences, and reflections, putting them into vivid word pictures for a wider audience as he continues his intriguing journey through life.

Gene's Day Job - Childhood Farm - Airplane Page - Gene & Sue's Homepage

Gene Seibel
on Amazon
Confessions of a Pilot, an educational book.